Heung | 흥 Coalition
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ask what kind of transformative politics is enacted when we name the deaths

of those considered unworthy of mourning and remembering.

Jinah Kim, Postcolonial Grief, (1).


Prison Abolition and Korea?

November 5, 2021

In the first episode of Hello Everyone Under Neoliberal Garbage, Heung Coalition members Kris, Alex Jung, Youngoh Jung and JH talk about ways to bridge the growing conversation around prison abolition with Heung's mission of redefining Korea(nness). We discuss ways that our individual engagement with Korea must account for calls for prison abolition in our local contexts. We end the podcast by discussing the ways embedded militarism and carceral thinking manifest in recent South Korean dramas.

Episode transcript here.

Kris (Twt: @nhsrk) is an LA-based unrepentant dilettante who works and on occasion writes.

Alex Jung (Twt: @dotorithoughts) is based in Toronto and nudges group dynamics in and out of his 9-5 grind.

Youngoh Jung (Twt: @YoungohJung) is a PhD candidate at UCSD studying and writing on the history of alternative community formations and notions of belonging in the Korean American diaspora.